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親愛的家長: 教室中有許多種類的玩具,但是言言還是比較喜歡玩小積木這種比較益智性的玩具。這一週教室裡還增加了「故事娃娃家」!有各式的棒偶,手偶,還有可以說故事的偶台! 言言常常跟其他的孩子,一起拿著偶說著不同的故事。仔細聽言言說的故事,他會說「爸爸問小紅帽,奶奶在哪裡呢?小紅帽說:不知道。」言言已經可以將故事裡的角色區分得很清楚,連對話的分配也很有概念了,現在還會改編一下故事呢! 言言很喜歡故事!再玩一陣「偶」,言言很有潛力會成為班上的故事高手喔! 珮筠老師0923 Igloo This past week in Space Class we completed our hopscotch designs and created the rules for the games. We all had a turn to play and enjoyed the game thoroughly. We have now started to explore throwing objects and what are the best throwing techniques. Igloo did very well in Lets Go class this past week and showed that he has a good understanding of Phonics and the ability to sound out words.