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亞洲地區的英國體系學校 每一年都有一次故事徵文比賽, 每一次都由不同的學校主辦, 今年是越南的一個學校主辦, 主題是Flight 每一個學校只能派出1~2個小朋友參賽 因此 要先參加校內賽 取得代表權, 才能有機會跟亞洲其他學校一較高下. 國小組 是3~6年級一組, Erika今年第一次參賽, 他的對手是3~6年級的小朋友們. 努力打稿 這是Erika參加徵文的作品 FLIGHT by Erika I am a big airplane, which belongs to JAL airline. I can carry up to 250-300 people including the flight team and about 3,000 kg of luggage. The longest time I have ever flight is 15 hours from Tokyo to New York. It was a REALLY exhausting trip! I have been through some bad weather but I haven`t broken any parts. I’ve been flying people from country to country for more than 13 years. Now I am older, I fly shorter distances only. Today I have a short flight from Thailand (Suvarnabhumi airport) to Japan (Narita airport). I parked at gate 7 because it felt like my lucky number. The pilot checked the weather and my engine. The ground staffs filled my gigantic fuel tank and loaded the luggage. Flight attendances boarded and so did the pilot. Everyone got ready for the passengers to board. At 10:50, boarding started on time. We should be able to start our journey at 11:24,but at 11:19 a passenger went missing!!!!!! We were all nervous so someone tried to broadcast the passenger’s name. Eventually they found the passenger running quickly towards gate7. At last we were ready to take off! YAY!!! The time now is 11:30 so we are 6 minutes later than schedule. It’s OK because I can fly faster to be on time. I took off easily and reached 36,000 ft. Then the cruising turned on. There was not much to do now. People started watching TV and a meal was served. Suddenly, I saw a big, dark and heavy cloud ahead of us!!!!!!! I had no choice but to fly through it. I could see the lightning and hear the loud thunder. Lightning struck my cockpit and it shut down my communication system!! The pilot made a quick emergency landing at the Taoyuan airport in Taiwan. The staffs at the airport called the plane fixing-station and got someone to help me. Once we had the communication system working, we were off to our final destination. The next half of the journey was as smooth as it was supposed to be. GREAT!!!!! When we got to Narita, everyone was tired because we got there 8 hours later than we were supposed to. The most important thing was that we all got to Narita safely. That was the coolest and scariest adventure I have ever had!!!!!!! I’m going to write a book about it. Well, that is what you have just finished reading. MY BOOK(or maybe article)