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Your 11-month-old: Week 2

Chances are good that your baby's grown attached to a certain blanket or toy. Transitional objects may help your baby weather potentially stressful experiences -- such as a doctor's visit or an overnight trip -- more easily. You may want to buy a duplicate of that "lovey" (or cut the original in half, if it's something like a blanket), in case you need to replace a lost one or take it away to clean it.

How your baby's growing:

Your baby probably enjoys looking at books and leafing through the pages, though turning those pages one by one doesn't always happen. Indulge in great picture books or stick with sturdy and inexpensive board books that can stand up to small fingers.

To add variety to your baby's reading time and to find out what appeals the most, try your local library or the kids' section at a family-friendly bookstore — or trade a few titles with friends.

So far,小馨還看不出來對特定東西的喜好,不過當我們拿polar bear 或將Stafine 抱到她面前時,她會笑得特別開心!不知道這樣算不算是attached to a certain toy.