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Your 12-month-old: Week 3

Look who's talking now! Your 1-year-old is working hard on being able to tell you what's going on in his busy brain. Try these strategies to help his vocabulary grow: When you change his diaper or dress him, talk about the parts of his body. Look at picture books together and ask him to point to or name familiar objects. Teach him about textures by letting him touch an apple ("smooth"), avocado ("bumpy"), or kiwifruit ("fuzzy").

How your toddler's growing

Around now, your toddler's play will probably start shifting from mastering fine motor skills (he's got that thumb-and-forefinger grasp down pat) to exercising larger muscles. Some children this age have an attention span of two to five minutes for quiet activities — although your child's favorite games may not be all that quiet.

Your child probably thinks it's fun to push, throw, and knock everything down. He'll give you a toy as well as take one, and he likes games in which he can put things in containers and dump them out again. This works well with blocks in buckets or boxes and with small plastic containers, which he can nest inside one another. He'll thrill to the loud sounds of pots and pans banging together, too.