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Your 13-month-old: Week 4

Spirited and mild-mannered toddlers alike will experiment with ... how shall we say it? ... undesirable behavior. If your toddler indulges in fits of screaming, hitting, and biting, you can take some solace in knowing that his development is right on track. Discipline can be a challenge with kids this age, so try to build a little personal time into your schedule each week as a way to refuel your patience tank.

聽說很多小孩這個階段都會尖叫,好在小馨算是穩定的小孩,不會發出令人受不了的叫聲,也不會在未能滿足需求時大吵大鬧(還是時候未到呢?)。總覺得這個時期對小小孩實施discipline還太早,現在的她正是可愛的時候:早上起床會去抱抱brown bear、要上學離開房間也會跟她的小玩具說掰掰、會拿東西給父母....這樣惹人憐愛的學步兒真的要好好享受珍惜這段時間呢!