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Your 14-month-old: Week 4

Does your toddler sometimes hurt other children? It's not surprising — many toddlers act out in this way. The good news is that he doesn't mean to inflict pain on his playmates. When he pulls another child's hair, he's either fascinated by the reaction it provokes or copying another child's behavior. Making a fellow child yell or cry seems like great fun at this age. The best response is to gently but firmly stop the hurtful behavior and redirect his attention. The more he gets a rise out of you, the more likely he is to repeat the behavior.

小馨會打人嗎?應該不會吧!她會打自己的頭,但就誠如上述文字描述的,打自己的頭也是覺得好玩,她覺得這樣做可以得到大人不一樣的反應,但如何"gently but firmly stop "的作法就有點困擾了,太強硬不行,笑笑地跟她說又會讓她覺得我們是在讚揚她的行為,真傷腦筋啊!