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Your 15-month-old: Week 4


It may be embarrassing when your toddler throws a full-blown screaming fit in the middle of the produce section, but rest assured that other parents feel your pain. The most useful response is to take your child out of the store (even if it means leaving a cart full of food behind) and sit with him in the car or on a bench until he finishes crying. When the storm is over, your child will feel close to you and happy again. And you can take some comfort in knowing that eventually your child will outgrow this behavior.

Your toddler now

How to handle a biter
No doubt about it, biting is uncivilized behavior. But your toddler is still a bit uncivilized. When 15-month-olds bite, it's usually because they lack the language skills to express themselves. If they feel threatened, sometimes all they can think of to do is chomp.

Here's a good strategy for preventing biting from becoming a habit: First turn your attention to the child who was bitten and make sure he's okay. Stay calm with both children. There's little to be gained by yelling at or punishing the biter, who was overwhelmed by emotions she found hard to control.

In fact, the biter may be crying harder than the bitten. Simply say "no biting" and redirect her. Take note of what was happening at the time of the incident. Was your child being threatened or was her space being invaded? Is it close to nap time? You may be able to head off trouble if you know what the triggers are.

Never try to teach your child how biting feels by doing it to her. That only suggests that biting is sometimes okay.