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Your 17-month-old: Week 3

You're probably spending a lot of time trying to figure out what your toddler says, but does she understand everything you say? Speak in clear, simple sentences to make sure you're getting your point across.
Hearing and language development are inextricably linked, which is why you may want to have your child's hearing tested if you find that she's not talking as much or as well as her peers or can't follow simple instructions from you.

Your toddler now

Security blankets and other loveys
If your child is attached to a particular blanket or stuffed animal, just wait. Security-object obsession typically escalates during the second year – and for good reason: "Loveys" are parent substitutes. Your child is physically and mentally capable of more and more, and every day is jammed with new experiences, sights, sounds, and words. Cuddling up to a love object, especially when your child is stressed, sick, or tired, provides just the security boost he needs to stay on an even keel.

Respect the lovey! It can help bedtime go more smoothly and is actually a sign of maturity, not of being babyish. Ideally you'll have two identical ones – one to keep at home and one to take with you to daycare (if it's allowed), to the doctor's office, on excursions and car trips, and so on.

The chosen object may start to look a little ratty, but don't go overboard trying to keep it pristine and germ-free. Often the distinctive odor and look of a lovey is what makes it special to your child. If you do manage to have two loveys, you can rotate them regularly so that both are equally familiar. This will be a lifesaver if one ever gets lost.