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Your 18-month-old: Week 2

Is your child a little ray of sunshine at daycare but a thundercloud when you show up on the scene? Try not to get upset by these end-of-day meltdowns. They're signs of true love: Your toddler knows that it's safe to let out all of his pent-up feelings around you. While you may be tempted to run a few errands on your way back to the house, you should probably opt to put those tasks on hold until your child is more at ease. It's a decision that could make your evening a lot more enjoyable.

Your toddler now

Wanting to be carried
The thrill of learning to walk and run may have launched your toddler into perpetual motion. She just doesn't want to stop – especially to do something as unexciting as sleep! Then again, sometimes a child perfectly capable of walking on her own two feet wants to be carried. A lot.

Consider the circumstances. In public, your child may feel small and vulnerable or fear being lost. She may truly be tired. She may crave attention or affection. Carry her if you want to, but if you're going more than a block or two from home or the car, bring a stroller to save your back.

Your child might be coaxed into walking just by holding your hand, which could make her feel more secure. Negotiate a little: "Let's walk holding hands until the next stoplight."
