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Your 19-month-old: Week 1

When you're out and about, your toddler's favorite pastime may be running away from you as fast as she can, squealing in delight as you rush to catch up. She's oblivious to danger, so you'll need to be extra watchful of cars, bicycles, and dogs if you take her for a walk outdoors. Keeping her strapped into a stroller is safest, of course, but that's not always where she wants to be. You'll probably have to compromise about how much time she spends on her own power, and build in extra time when running errands.


Your toddler now

Potty preparation
This could be a good time to gear up for toilet training. Watch for signs of readiness, which include showing interest in other people's bathroom habits and being able to follow simple instructions. (See a complete list of readiness signs.)

Also consider whether your child is experiencing any big changes in his life at the moment, like a new sibling or a new caregiver. If he is, you may want to wait for things to settle down before introducing the potty. Finally, make sure you have time and patience to deal with toilet training right now.

At this early age, a freestanding potty chair that lets your child's feet touch the ground is probably your easiest option. Eventually, a toilet seat insert might do the trick, but to use the toilet insert independently your child has to be big and coordinated enough to climb onto the toilet himself from a step stool.

If you think the time is right, get practical tips and techniques in the ABCs of potty training. And if you're eager to jump-start the process, consider this interesting method that some parents swear by: potty training in three days or less, designed for kids 15 to 28 months old.