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Your 19-month-old: Week 2

Toddlers love to feel like they're making an important contribution to any activity, and chores around the house are no exception. You may find your child's help makes chores more fun for both of you — or you may find yourself dismayed by how long it takes to get anything done. To avoid frustration, save important tasks for times when your toddler is asleep or away. When he's around, let him help with small chores like putting his plastic cup and bowl into the dishwasher, or tossing wet clothes into the dryer.

Your toddler now

Soothing insecurities
Even the most cooperative, cheerful, and outgoing young toddler will whine, cling, and cry sometimes. These behaviors are your child's way of saying "Help! All systems overloaded!"

Your 19-month-old is learning new things and refining skills at a dizzying rate. Frustration is inevitable and manifests itself in different ways, depending on the child. Accept these signals for what they are: a cry for attention and TLC.

If it's feasible, respond and let your child know you can tell she's upset. Acknowledge her feelings but don't make too big a deal out of these short-lived emotional storms. If she's crying and clinging, a few hugs and then simple distraction might work. If she's whining, you might explain, "I can't understand you when you whine. Can you show me what you want?"

A transitional object or "lovey," such as a blanket or teddy bear, can buck up an anxious toddler. Not every child develops an attachment to a lovey, but if yours has one, encourage its use. Build quiet time and one-on-one play with you into your child's day, especially if she has a busy day at childcare.

These behaviors will fade over the next few years as your child gains emotional control and a better sense of her place in this big, bewildering world.