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Your 22-month-o​ld: Week 4

When your toddler whines for something, you may feel like caving in just to hush that grating voice. But it's best to hold your ground — if you can show your toddler that whining won't get him anywhere, he's more likely to give it up and try other ways of communicating. Where to start? When you hear your child whining, gently point it out to him and ask him to use his regular voice. Toddlers don't always know what whining is, and they may not be able to hear it in their own voice.

Your toddler now

Toddler toys
Wondering what kind of toys to give your child for his upcoming birthday? Whatever you choose, be sure to check the boxes or labels to confirm that every item is safe for the under-3 crowd.

Toys labeled for age 3 and up pose a choking hazard or other risks to younger children. (See more tips for toy safety.)

Here are some ideas to get you started:

•Toys that let kids pretend: play cash registers, brooms and dustpans, phones, toy dishes, toy food, dress-up clothes, trucks, trains and cars, dolls and doll strollers and cradles
•Toys to manipulate: dolls with buttons and zippers, blocks of all types, the toddler version of colorful plastic building bricks
•Action toys: ride-on vehicles, wagons, balls, climbing structures, carts
•Musical toys: Drums, tambourines, xylophones, cymbals
•Books: Your child can never have too many!

Body talk
Pee or wee or tinkle? Poop or BM? Every family chooses its own lingo for potty training. Choose the words that feel natural to you or that your child's daycare uses (to avoid confusion).

As for what you call the body parts involved, some families introduce words such as "penis" and "vagina" from the beginning while others choose to wait. Eventually you'll want your child to learn the official names for body parts, whether you use them with each other or not.
