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Your 23-month-o​ld: Week 2

Does your toddler ignore you? He's not doing it on purpose; it takes time and practice to learn how to listen well. Here's how to help: Keep your requests simple and clear, get down on his level when you want his attention, and give him your ear when he wants to talk. It's worth the effort. Developing good listening skills will help your toddler learn more effectively, follow important instructions, get along better with you and other adults, and make friends.


Your toddler now

Growing up
If it seems like your little one's growth has slowed down dramatically compared with her first year, you're right. The average child triples her birth weight by age 1, but only gains 3 to 5 pounds in the second year. By now, your toddler also looks much less like a baby. She's upright, she's mobile, she's active, and her baby fat is melting away.

The way she holds her body and moves around has changed, too. The back-and-forth gait of a young toddler has evolved into a smoother, more coordinated stride. By their second birthday, most kids can pull toys behind them and carry things while they walk, and they will begin to run.

The beloved pacifier
With your toddler's vocabulary and other language skills exploding, you may find it frustrating if she often has a pacifier in his mouth. The pacifier won't hurt her, but if you want to see less of it, you can try limiting it to certain times of day, such as naptime.

If you're looking for some good strategies for pulling the plug completely, see our top ten ways to help your child give up the pacifier.

Parent tip
"We fill a big box with toys and store it in the basement. Every month, we rotate the toys. It eliminates clutter, and it's also like Christmas morning over and over again." – Krista