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Your 3-Year-Old​: Imaginary Friends

Imaginary Friends

The all-systems-go imagination of a 3-year-old can conjure up a new presence in your home — your child's imaginary playmate.其實小馨早就有了imaginary friends.她是用別種方式呈現:當成這些玩具的姊姊,用照顧者的心裡來對待她的寶寶們。前兩天小馨三歲生日,我在mothercare買衣服時小馨選了little violet 當她的寶寶,我第一眼看到時覺得真可愛,因為家中已經有一隻大的violet,而小的這隻是用來陪0-36m的寶寶睡覺用的,看著小馨小心翼翼地抱著,就決定讓她買了,果然帶回家後,這兩天都會帶著little violet睡覺,希望不是「喜新厭舊」才好。Although it can be startling to suddenly hear your child talking to a pretend pal, this development is common and very positive. In fact, it's a healthy sign that you have a creative child. Imaginary friends are great for kids — and are another sign that this year is one of the most magical of childhood.

Your 3-year-old now
Been asked to set an extra place at dinner for an imaginary friend yet? As many as half of preschoolers have a pretend buddy. These phantoms don't mean your child is lonely or maladjusted. In fact, kids with imaginary friends are more likely to grow up to be creative, cooperative, sociable, independent, and happy.
沒錯!我也認為小馨有這些imaginary friends對她的成長有幫助!她總是基於一個大姊姊立場,雖然有時也不盡周到,不過沒有弟弟妹妹的她,有這些小玩具陪伴,我們也很開心。
An imaginary friend can be human or animal and usually comes with a name and distinct personality. Part confidant, part playmate, part protector, and part scapegoat, they help kids practice relationship building and let them be in control for a change. A pretend friend can be a child's way of handling an increasingly demanding, expanding world.

Watching your child's interactions with her imaginary friend can give you useful insights into her fears and stresses. If her imaginary playmate is afraid of monsters under the bed, then your daughter may be, too.

Although it's wise to be respectful of your child's imaginary friend, try not to get involved in the relationship. For example, avoid using imaginary friends as a way to manipulate your child ("Harvey ate his peas, why can't you?"). Instead, follow her lead. She knows deep down this is an imaginary creation, and it can be a bit alarming to her if you buy into it too readily. These extra members of the family usually disappear by age 7, as your child becomes immersed in the very real-life world of school.

Your life now
Having a 3-year-old can make you proud and completely nuts all at the same time. Because your child's verbal skills and physical abilities have expanded so much since her wobbly 2-year-old days, it's easy to fall into the trap of expecting more from her than she can always deliver. Progress is gradual. Although preschoolers sound and look capable of much more now, social and emotional maturity take time to develop — and that means lots of patience on your part. She still has faulty logic and a healthy ego. She thinks the world revolves around her — as it should at this age.