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Your 3-Year-Old​: Learning Colors

Learning Colors

Orange, blue, green, red, purple, yellow … learning colors is fun and easy for most preschoolers. 小馨最喜歡blue,也知道馬麻喜歡purple,基本上她已經可以區分顏色了,不用擔心她有色盲,哈!The trick is lots of practice. Fortunately, color is everywhere, so you can easily drop references to it into conversations, asking your child to bring you the blue socks or remarking that you're serving him green peas on his yellow plate. During a walk, see how many red objects you can find together.

Your 3-year-old now
Three-year-olds are beginning to learn colors. They can usually point to a color when asked and may be able to name four or more by midyear. Some fun ways to help them nail this skill:

Weave color references into everyday conversation. "What color shirt do you want to wear today?" "Let's find a white car." When you're reading, ask him to find the red bird on the page, or ask him what color the duck is.

Mix it up. Make clay or cookie dough, and divide it into several bowls. Add a few drops of different food coloring to each and knead it in. Then experiment with mixing the colors together. "What do you think will happen if we mix the yellow and the red?" Another fun idea: Put water in fancy clear bottles and have your child add food coloring. Put the bottles on the windowsill and let the sun shine through.

Sorting play. Most 3-year-olds start the year sorting according to their own whims rather than by color or size. But it's not too early to give him a shot at color coordination: Get some blocks in different colors and ask your child to sort them into piles by color. Or let him help you sort socks by color. It's fun to see the wheels turn in his mind as he solves the problem in his own way.

Make colors appear out of thin air. For a real crowd-pleaser, dangle a prism in the sunlight. (Many gift shops sell inexpensive hanging prisms.) The rainbows dancing on the walls will delight your child, and you can point out the colors that make up a rainbow.

Your life now
What to do with your budding artist's vast body of work? It's impossible (or at least impractical) to save everything. Pick your favorites and toss the rest when your child isn't looking. Do put up a few drawings on the refrigerator and leave them there for a while. Now that he's no longer living in the moment and can better remember what he's done in the past, your artist is able to feel pride and accomplishment in his work: "Hey, look what I can do!"