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Your 3-Year-Old​: Manners Matter

Manners Matter

What's the difference between a polite child and a bratty one? Often, the lessons absorbed in early childhood. That's why, even though kids' birthday parties involve lots of running and shrieking, it's wise to also insist on some social niceties, like greeting the host and saying thank you when it's time to go home. These customs may seem minor or even too mature for 3-year-olds, but remember, mighty oaks from acorns grow!

Your 3-year-old now
Preschoolers love to party. To help your child stay on the guest list, use these early invitations as an opportunity to teach him party manners that will help him his whole life long.

Make sure he knows the most basic concepts — that pile of presents is for the birthday kid and not the guests, for instance. You could also role-play some scenarios he might encounter at a party. Pretend you're the host and ask your child to greet you politely, shaking your hand. Practice giving a gift and taking turns at games. If he's a finicky eater, tell him what to say if he's offered a food he won't eat. Praise good efforts and forgive small mistakes. That's the best reinforcement.

Don't forget to model polite behavior yourself. Incorporate "please" and "thank you" into your everyday interactions. Thank the bank teller and the bagger at the grocery store. Show the same good table manners you'd use at a fancy restaurant when you're eating in your own kitchen.

Your life now
The older and cuter (and funnier) your preschooler becomes, the more you probably want to share his wonders with your parents and other relatives. When they live far away, how can you keep the generations close? Some ideas:
•Start a private family web page where everyone you give access can add photos and news. Include a special blog about your child: "Ryan's World," for example.
•Start a snail-mail chain letter between your child (with him dictating his part to you) and the relative. Waiting a few days or weeks between installments builds excitement.
•Ask your parents to record themselves reading some favorite books to your child, so he can play the tape and share "time" with Grandma and Grandpa.
•If possible, send video as well as still images to your parents. Short snippets can usually be e-mailed.
•If you and your relatives have computers with cameras in them, your child can talk to your kin on-camera using the computer's microphone, cheap headphones (usually under $20), and a free service like Skype (yes, that means no long-distance phone charges, even if they live in Brazil). If they don't have a camera in their computer, they can still chat with your child via computer this way — they just won't be able to see him waving at them.