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Your 3-Year-Old: A Is for Aaron

A Is for Aaron

Often, the first letter a child learns is the first letter of his name. ("Hey! There's my A!") When he later recognizes his entire name, he's not so much reading it as he is identifying that those symbols mean his name. Symbol recognition, of course, is essential for reading. But before he can learn the sounds of the letters, he has to make the mental leap to understanding that those squiggles and lines stand for ideas.
呵呵!雖然我們不是美國人,沒有用英文聽說讀寫,但小馨的發展歷程與同齡的外國小孩是一樣的!小馨也會認字了!她可以認得她的entire name,就從接她放學時她可以找到自己的書包這件事,就可以證明!

Your 3-Year-Old Now:
Your child may or may not know how to write his name. But you can prime the pump by letting him see his name in lots of places. Often 3-year-olds recognize the letters (or just the first letter) of their name. They can't yet "read," but this kind of symbol recognition is a key pre-reading skill.
Objects around the house decorated with your child's name give him a thrill every time he "reads" them. You can buy puzzles with the letters of his name, for example, or put a nameplate on his door. These things also give him a sense of ownership and individuality.

Ask him to find things in the environment with his letter. Tad can find trees, trucks, and trains and Sarah can find socks, signs, and scissors.
Tad is for trees,trucks....外國小孩就是這樣認識自己的名字吧!小馨的名字比較少在雜誌或書報中出現,但她應該認識「林」,呵呵。

Your Life Now:
Your child is probably constantly amazing you with his new abilities to work puzzles and identify shapes and colors. This is a year of great strides in working with academic building blocks. But what if you feel your preschooler is not just bright, but so advanced he's gifted? Should you have his IQ tested?

The answer is that it's too soon to bother. Intelligence tests are not particularly valid before age 5 or so, and there's not much that you could do with the results anyway. A gifted 3-year-old essentially needs the same kinds of stimulation and enrichment that his peers do: new experiences, free play, exposure to lots of language, and a wide variety of stuff to play with.