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Your 4-Year-Old: Taming a Tiny Tyrant

Taming a Tiny Tyrant

"Get dressed. Brush your teeth. Pick up your toys." Imagine if someone bossed you around all day. You'd want to rise up and take charge occasionally, too. 哇!開頭看到這裡,不免驚訝!四歲的小馨果然就是這樣,不過,幸好我很早就認知到這點,沒有太常嘮叨,但畢竟是四歲小孩,很多行為的確讓我很傷腦筋,我也要再次提醒自己不要在她耳邊叨叨唸唸,犯了這個錯誤!Four-year-olds often have flings with bossy behavior. In part they're copying you, and in part they're experimenting with their ability to get others to do things for them. 小馨最近講話就是這樣,彷彿在學我們語氣般,愛指使他人。前幾天我唱了一小段"frosty the snowrene",這次唱得比較好,沒有斷斷續續,她聽了之後就說,妳總算是會唱了喔!她說話那個語氣真是好笑,一副小大人模樣,想不到四歲半的小孩管這麼多啊!In a way, handling bossiness is about teaching your child social graces — before she becomes a tyrant nobody enjoys being around.

Your 4-year-old now
Your child absorbs and parrots back all kinds of grown-up behavior. Occasional bossiness is one of these. (Not that you necessarily deliver your commands as rudely as your child may play them back.) At four, kids start to experiment with power and how words can manipulate people. (這句話寫得太贊了!我完全同意!!)Combine this with a fondness for rules and order, and you might find a little dictator on your hands, lording over both her friends and your family.

Dealing with this behavior requires patience and consistency. Point out bossy behavior; don't reward it. If your child demands lunch or help with something, insist that she ask you again politely. "I'll be more likely to do it if you ask me nicely." Prompt for words like "please." If your child is being unkind to friends, turn the tables and ask how she'd feel if a friend treated her that way.

Sometimes bossy behavior stems from always feeling like the underdog, so relinquish power where you can. Let your 4-year-old hold a younger sibling's hand when you take a walk. Offering choices helps her feel she's in control: "You can take your bath first and then we can read. Or we can read first. You choose."

Your life now
When buying birthday gifts for your child's buddies, try not to overthink. Giving the biggest, best present won't make friends like your child any better. A duplicate of something your child enjoys is always a good idea (and, as a bonus, it will be less likely to make your child jealous). Also ideal: consumable items (like a big bucket of sidewalk chalk, art supplies, bubbles, or movie tickets) that won't pile up in the toy box.