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Your 5-Year-Old: The obedient child

The obedient(服從、聽話的) child

Why do some kids seem to obey rules more readily than others?
Personality may have something to do with it, but it's likely that the more obedient child has been disciplined more consistently.
一般都說是「天性」使然,我也覺得!而且女孩子比男生似乎更服從與聽話,以小馨來說,有時候她會回我:「是的,馬麻」!我聽了之後覺得很感動,不用我說第二次,她馬上就能接受指令去做,不過,我也常想:如果太聽話的小孩是不是會被扼殺他的創意呢?畢竟臺灣父母總是要求聽話,若不乖、不聽話就會讓大人抓狂(想想我自己就是這樣),長輩也常說:xxx你好乖喔~我最喜歡你了,似乎讓小孩有「」聽話就受肯定 的錯覺,而我並不希望結果是如此!
Having consistent rules — and enforcing them regularly — sends the message about what kind of behavior you expect. A child is less likely to test firm limits than "mushy" ones that change day to day.

Your 5-year-old now
What's the big secret to disciplining a 5-year-old? Consistency. Kids this age depend on familiar routines and structure, and that applies to understanding your expectations for their behavior. A child gets confused when a behavior that warrants a time-out one day gets a quick "Stop that!" the next. The best way to reinforce the rules is to apply them reliably.

Of course, there will sometimes be exceptions, such as a special occasion when you decide that this time, it's okay to pull down the sofa cushions to build a fort. That's fine, as long as you make it clear that this is an exception — and why. "It's raining outside, so you can make a fort even though the usual rule is no pulling the sofa apart."

It helps if both parents are in synch about the big household rules, so there's no confusion and no playing one parent off the other. But it's okay if the rules vary slightly between home and school, or at Grandma's house. Your child is old enough to understand that different situations have different standards.

Your life now
If you haven't allowed your child to take a bath by herself yet, she's probably ready. Children younger than 5 should not be left around water without supervision because of the risk of drowning. But by age 5, your child is big enough and strong enough, and should be able to follow basic rules (such as no standing up in the tub, no getting out and getting back in). To be on the safe side, stay within earshot so you can monitor the bath. Provide bath toys to keep your child amused while she's soaking and scrubbing. You'll probably still need to help with shampooing.