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Your 5-Year-Old: Slumber parties, already? (睡衣派對)

Slumber parties, already?

Some children have already had their first sleepover, while others won't want to spend the night away from home for several more years.
小孩子開始到外面過夜了嗎?話說小馨第一次到外面過夜約3歲半,是夜宿橘子樹,那次的經驗很好、很成功,小孩子也沒哭著找媽媽,應該說學校活動安排地很好,在睡前有帶動唱等活動,將小朋友們精力發洩完再入睡,小朋友們都累得呼呼大睡,也沒人哭著找媽媽!哈哈! The decision depends on your child's readiness, circumstances, and your personal preference. What's certain is that as her peer circle grows, the interest in playing together day and night will grow, and the question about pajama parties will increasingly come up.

Your 5-year-old now
It can be hard enough to see your child off to school in the morning. Now she's begging to spend her nights away from home, too. Is your child ready for sleepovers?
It's a very individual decision. If you still have to read her a story, tickle her under each rib, and give bunny and butterfly kisses before she falls asleep, she may not be ready. Shy or anxious children, and those who get up in the middle of the night, probably aren't ready yet, either. The best sleepover candidates separate fairly easily, sleep well, and have a strong interest. Parental readiness figures in, too.
It's ideal if you can start with an overnight at a relative's house. You — and your child — will be more comfortable knowing she's with someone so familiar.
For kids who aren't quite ready, try an almost-sleepover. Invite a couple of friends to put on jammies and come over one evening. Watch a movie, have some popcorn, play games, and send everybody home before bedtime. The best part? Everybody gets a good night's sleep, and there are no middle-of-the-night runs to pick anyone up.

Your life now
Clutter happens — but it doesn't have to happen everywhere. Designate a few clutter-free zones in your house. Let everyone know that a particular counter, corner, or room is off-limits to junk. Try keeping a "junk box" (a plastic storage bin or laundry basket will do) in every room where miscellaneous papers, clothes, and toys can get pitched. It will make the room look neater while also providing a handy place to look for all those things that go missing.