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Your 5-Year-Old: Try, try again

Try, try again

Perseverance is a key ingredient for success in life. If your child can develop stick-to-it-iveness, she's more likely to work harder at learning and feel better about herself when she accomplishes something new or figures something out. Encourage your child to try her best through your actions, your attitudes, and your words.

Your 5-year-old now
We all want to raise independent, resilient children with healthy self-esteem. We need to praise and encourage them — but within reason. If we're complimenting their every action, the words of praise soon sound hollow and meaningless. Likewise, if you protect your child from every challenge, she won't develop the skills to solve problems or think for herself.

Experts believe that children are healthier emotionally and learn more when they face obstacles and overcome them.專家相信若能讓小孩子學習面對挫折,他們將會更健康地成長及學習,我也同意要讓小孩子嘗試自己解決問題,不要總是幫她做好一切的事情。 There's a sweet emotional boost that comes when they succeed after they've failed. In fact, perseverance may be more important to future success than intelligence or talent.「堅持」比天分更為重要,凡事堅持下去就能成功,這句話到了我不惑之年,才能有所體會,只是對小孩而言還是很難啊!!

So as your 5-year-old ventures out and tries new things, from tying her own shoes to making new friends on the playground, don't step in to help at the first sign of frustration. It's okay to let her figure it out herself. She wants — and needs — to try new challenges. When she does succeed, she'll feel so much better about it.
Try these phrases to encourage perseverance in your child:

•"I know you can do it!"
•"Hang in there."
•"Keep trying."
•"Don't give up yet."

Your life now
As your life with a 5-year-old winds down, give yourself a moment to review how far you've come as a parent. Your helpless baby is now a sturdy, curious, amazing little person who can walk, talk, draw, and maybe even read and write. As you marvel, remember, too, that for as big as she's become, she's still a little kid. She still needs slack occasionally — and plenty of hugs.