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Your 6-Year-Old: Your social butterfly

Your social butterfly

Six is a social year. Your child is making friends at school and in the neighborhood. An improved ability to create storylines together during play and to improvise with props or toys takes playtime to an exciting new level. One catch: Not all play goes smoothly, because social skills are still evolving.

Your 6-year-old now
Six-year-olds become quite social in their play, drawing friends into their dramas and concocting more elaborate story lines. They're more creative about finding and using props around the house; for example, using blankets to build forts and towels to make capes. It's a good idea to provide lots of prop possibilities and be generous about sharing household items when you can.

An interest in rules makes its way into playtime, too. Kid this age love to be the director. "Run into the room and say, 'Boo!'" they may order a friend. Often kids will take turns directing the play. But if you have two or more assertive types, the bossiness can lead to fights. Let them try to hash it out themselves, but be prepared to step in to help them resolve serious conflicts.若是兩個比較有鮮明領導個性的人在一起玩,可能會有衝突出現,我就曾經發現小馨與雅雅妹妹一起玩,小馨習慣用大姊的身份告訴妹妹怎麼做、怎麼做,但妹妹有自己的方式,因此有時兩方會玩不起來、甚至會鬧得不愉快...

Your life now
It seems to be a modern maxim that the bigger kids get, somehow the messier the house becomes. A few little tricks can help you from getting dragged down by clutter, which organizational experts know is a major stressor to busy parents. For example:

•Try the "ten-minute" rule. Set a timer and spend just ten minutes whittling away the clutter you see. Then stop. This keeps the job from becoming overwhelming – but yields visible results.
•Teach your child to clean up one game or play zone before embarking on a new one.
•Hang some pegs inside a closet or just inside a doorway that your child can reach. It can be easier for little hands to hang a jacket on a peg than a hanger.