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Your 6-Year-Old: Pile on the praise

Pile on the praise 讚美

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, it's said. 用蜂蜜比醋抓得到更多的蒼蠅。Six-year-olds are still eager to please their parents and respond well to praise.即使是6歲小孩,一樣需要大人的讚美! Of course, some days it can be hard to find anything to praise genuinely, but if you think about it, you'll see it. Keep the praise as specific as you can make it. This not only teaches your child better but helps him to perceive your words as genuine rather than rote.

Your 6-year-old now

The simplest secret weapon you have in keeping life on an even keel with your child is praise. A few words about something your child did or is doing well can defuse a tense situation or head off a tantrum. Praise is also like money in the bank – each kind word or positive observation a deposit that builds up a store of goodwill in your child and actually makes him want to behave better for you. Kids have a deep desire to please their parents.

Try to make your praise specific. If you simply murmur "Nice job!" all day, those words become too vague to register. If you praise a particular act and describe it, that helps your child know what it was about his behavior that was good – and makes him more likely to turn in a fine performance. Compare "Good job" with "Thanks for stopping your play to give your sister her toy when she dropped it – that was really helpful to me."

Your life now

Looking for good birthday-gift ideas for your child's peers? Fortunately, kids this age are still pretty easy to please. A good rule of thumb is to buy something your child would like.

Feeding a collection is usually a hit, although duplicates are a risk. Kids this age also love to experiment and use their imaginations. Presents that inspire creativity are always good – think arts and crafts supplies, building blocks, or science kits.

One fresh take is a present that allows the birthday boy or girl to spend time with your child. Maybe you can give a certificate to go miniature golfing together or offer up a movie night. Or make small items seem like a big deal by presenting a basket of themed goodies, all wrapped individually – a sports kit might include Whiffle balls, baseball cards, and a baseball book, for example.