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Your 8-month-old: Week 3

Your 8-month-old this week
It's startling – and delightful – to walk into your baby's room and find him standing up in his crib, grinning at you. Your baby may be strong enough to pull himself onto his feet and stay there by holding on to you or a piece of furniture, which is good preparation for walking. Getting up, however, is easier than getting back down. Some babies stand as long as they can, and then tumble over or cry to be "rescued." Most figure out how to get up and down by 9 or 10 months.

How your baby's growing

Your baby's vision — previously about 20/40 at best — is now almost adult-like in its clarity and depth perception. Though your baby's short-range sight is still best, his long-range vision is good enough to recognize people and objects across a room. He may see a toy on the other side of the room and try to crawl toward it. His eyes are also probably close to their final color, although you may see subtle changes later.

Learn more fascinating facts about your 8-month-old's development.
Your life: When baby care is tough

The time-out is a time-honored discipline technique that parents of older children sometimes use to correct behavior by withholding positive attention. A mommy or daddy time-out is a way for you to change your own behavior — by decompressing.

Once your baby is mobile, keeping up can be an exhausting proposition. A self-enforced breather when you're feeling frustrated can help you stay on an even keel.

Put your baby in a play yard for short periods of time when you're feeling overwhelmed. This is also a good idea if persistent, unexplained crying in a healthy baby is getting to you — your baby will be safe while you collect yourself. If he's crying at night, compose yourself for a few minutes before going in to see what's the matter. Taking a few deep breaths or counting to ten before responding to a mishap are other ways you can maintain equilibrium on bad days. Also borrow a page from the newborn days: Once in a while, sleep when your baby sleeps. And of course, call on your partner to take over if you can — not just when the going gets tough, but at regular intervals.