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Your 7-Year-Old: Mastering math

Mastering math

First- and second-grade mathematics is full of exciting stuff. The basic concepts your child will rely on for years to come – addition, subtraction, measurement, estimating, time telling – all have roots in the early elementary grades. Help him get off to a good start by seeing math as fun. Look for ways to bring math into everyday life, such as asking your child to help you measure ingredients when you cook.

Your 7-year-old now

It's amazing that your child has gone from obliviousness about numbers to growing math proficiency in such a short time. Following is a list of what math most 7-year-olds are able to do. (If your child can't do some of these things, he'll probably learn them in second grade.)

add and subtract two-digit numbers and possibly three-digit numbers
begin to solve simple word problems
estimate amounts (such as how many beans in a jar)
use a ruler to measure in inches
understand how to measure angles
count to 100 by tens and fives
know which number comes next (after, say, 49 or 128)
tell time to the quarter hour
Your life now

Here's a way to get around that flat "nothing" when you ask what happened at school today. Wait until bedtime and review your day and your child's. Ask, "What's the worst thing that happened today?" "What's the best thing that happened?" Your child may be in a more reflective state of mind.
