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今天早上因為連夜來的豪雨,造成一陣慌亂, 先是宣布桃園停止上班上課, 這下恩恩不上學,有點慘, 想像阿嬤應該無法應付恩恩一整天, 所以就有些猶豫是不是要請假, 再者,居住地放假,是不是也可以不用去上班, 但當主管的,顧慮就比較多..... 夫妻倆猶豫了半天,還是出門了, 但高速公路上雨勢實在太強, 爸爸就嚷著要回頭,媽媽也沒阻止他, 是後來看,這個決定真是對呀∼ 沒多久台北也宣布停班停課, 不然不就白跑一趟了∼∼ 而且媽媽經過這天更加確信, 若給阿嬤帶一整天,阿嬤肯定會累慘, 因為媽媽今天就被整滿慘的, 一整天也不睡覺,就一直要陪玩, 明明中午過後,看她也一臉疲憊了, 就是一直盧, 媽媽只好投降,跟爸爸說要出門, 否則待在家裡更累, 通常她這種時候,應該一上車就會睡了∼ 出門前,媽媽給她準備新買的紗裙及美麗的上衣, 本來她也沒說甚麼, 但一看到媽媽換上白色長裙, 竟然開始鬧,說我穿的長裙比較漂亮, 她的藍色紗裙不好看, 就麼一直盧一直盧, 連姑姑、阿嬤也一個個問她怎麼在哭, 媽媽實在不想理她的無理取鬧, 也不想讓她想怎樣就怎樣, 說甚麼也堅持要她穿上媽媽準備的衣服, 媽媽心想:她應該是愛睏了鬧脾氣! 果然一上車就睡著了! 這....抗議媽媽比較漂亮,會不會太誇張! 今天真是一整個累,比去上班還累呀!



這學期恩恩幼稚園要說英文故事比賽, 上星期來恩恩就在背這篇英文故事: The North Wind and the Sun The sun and the north wind have never been good friends. The sun likes to be warm and kind. But the north wind is bad-tempered. The sun likes to help the plants grow tall and strong. The north wind likes to destroy trees and flowers and blow away bushes. Long ago the north wind said to the sun,"Let's see who is stronger."Well", said the sun,"That's easy."The sun smiled. The north wind said,"Do you see that man walking down the road? Whoever can get his coat off first, will be declared stronger.""Whatever you say,"said the sun. The north wind started to blow. But the harder the angry north wind blew, the tighter the man held on to his coat. The north wind couldn't get the man's coat off. After some time, the sun said,"Now it's my turn. Let me try."The sun started to shine. It got warmer and warmer. The man soon took off his coat, his shirt and even his pants! Finally the sun said,"Now you see, Wind. Warm love is stronger than cold anger." 很快就聽她全部背起來了, 前兩天接到幼稚園老師來電, 要媽媽這星期在家要跟恩恩對一下台詞, 因為外籍老師有選她去比賽, 時間是這個星期五, 媽媽只好每天跟恩恩對一下, 還要兼比動作, 老師覺得恩恩有躍躍欲試的感覺, 只是一上台聲音就會變小, 希望這次情況會改善, 媽媽跟恩恩說:星期五希望你上台要有精神些,說英文要清楚點,讓大家聽得到,如果有做到,媽媽就帶小禮物回來囉~ 恩恩也答應了, 禮物呢,媽媽一定會買, 因為志在參加吧~