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最大份午餐(Biggest bowl of lunch)

最大份午餐(Biggest bowl of lunch)_img_1

由於駿駿每次放左學返屋企都成日要食包或飲奶,所以今日送佢返學時就問老師駿駿佢係下午同茶點時係咪冇乜點食野?點知佢老師答我駿駿果份已經係托兒所最大份既午餐黎架啦,佢有時食完重會食同學仔d飯黎食.哎丫>_<我真係幾唔好意思丫,駿駿咁鬼大食…佢已經食緊最大份既午餐啦..唔通叫佢老師比兩份佢食咩. 真係唔怪得駿駿咁鬼大隻囉..食咁多…佢出街好多人都以為佢有2,3歲,見好多2歲幾既小朋友都冇佢咁大隻.

Since Chunchun always asks for milk or bread after nursery, so I asked his teacher this morning, is that Chunchun didn’t eat much at lunch and tea? But his teacher answer is Chunchun already got the biggest bowl of lunch and tea everyday, and sometime Chunchun will try to take food form his classmate. Oh>_< god, Chunchun really eat a lot then, I am so embarrassing when his teacher answer my question. Chunchun already got the biggest bowl of lunch; I think that is really a lot for baby in that nursery, maybe I should ask his teacher to give him 2 bowl of lunch, ha ha. My mother and me was laugh about it all day long, no wonder why Chunchun is so heavy and tall. Many people think that Chunchun is 2 or 3 years old, because we saw Chunchun is bigger than so many babies around 2 or 3 years old.

最大份午餐(Biggest bowl of lunch)_img_2