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搶餅乾(Depredate biscuit)

搶餅乾(Depredate biscuit)_img_1


It’s raining today, so Chunchun went to nursery a little bit later than usual. When he arrived this morning, his classmate are all there and having biscuit. Chunchun stand in front of a little foreign baby girl, looking at her biscuit, right hand holding a circular biscuit and left hand holding a rectangular biscuit. I thought Chunchun will ask his teacher to give him biscuit, but he didn’t, he depredate her biscuit suddenly and put into his month; and that baby girl look so surprise and don’t know what can she do, just stand there and look at Chunchun having her biscuit. Ha, that’s so funny, their teacher said even is the baby girl’s mother she can’t take away her biscuit, but that baby girl let Chunchun have her biscuit.

搶餅乾(Depredate biscuit)_img_2