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係新八佰伴食晚飯(Dinner in New Yaohan)

係新八佰伴食晚飯(Dinner in New Yaohan)_img_1


Today is Saturday, Chunchun only have to go half-day nursery, at first I planned to take a walk in New Yaohan after Chunchun’s nap around 3pm and back to home around 6pm to cook dinner. However Chunchun didn’t wake up until 4pm, so I changed my plan, we will have dinner at New Yaohan^^
Ha, I bought 2 pairs shoes there, so happy there have a great discount buy one get one free, but too bad the one I love the most don’t have my size. After my shopping we went up to the 3rd floor to have our dinner. Chunchun really a big eater, he ate 3/4 bowl of noodle, and he not full yet, he got a free pear while we shop in the supermarket before we get home.
Ah, Chunchun really is a favorite baby, while we walk around in New Yaohan, many staff play with him, and some said “I remember that baby, he came here since he around 1 month old, and now he is a big baby already, I remember his smile face, he looks happy all the time.” And some staff ask me how old is Chunchun now, I am so happy then Chunchun is so adorable then make everyone remember him.

係新八佰伴食晚飯(Dinner in New Yaohan)_img_2