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Chunchun got a fever this morning, so we went to private doctor around the noontime. The doctor said Chunchun didn’t recover the cold fro m 2 weeks before, not a big problem take some pills will be fine.
Well except of the fever, Chunchun still very active and looks fine. He dance and sing with the VCD, take a good nap. However, after his second time pills, he started looks sleepy, tired and sick. So we measure his temperature again, it’s over 39℃=_= how come after taking pills his fever got higher than before? So we decided take Chunchun to ER to take an injection, we arrived ER around 11pm. After the injection we have to wait 45 minutes to see is Chunchun’s fever going down or not, and we wait until 12.15am, sigh~ Chunchun’s fever only got 0.2℃ decrease. Usually ER will not let us go unless Chunchun’s fever got under 39℃, maybe it’s too late for baby so the nurse let use go even Chunchun’s fever still higher then 39℃, and she asked us, if Chunchun’s fever wouldn’t got any decrease after we back home, we have to take Chunchun back to ER in the morning.

