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超累(super tired)

超累(super tired)_img_1

今日超累丫..對我同駿駿黎講係一個好忙既日子. 係中午接完駿駿放學之後,我地就直接搭大約一個鐘船返香港啦,之後就同我既同友Cissy去會展既BB用品展.唉..好失望丫,起初我諗住係BB展度會買到好多野,玩具丫,書仔丫,BB用品丫咁,至少都可以買部新BB車比駿駿丫.點知...乜都買唔到,人又多...D通道又窄...辛苦到死得個吉..最慘都係Cissy,突登走出黎部我同駿駿.雖然去完BB展我同CISSY都去左飲野..不過我覺得時間太少啦...我地有太多野想傾..希望下次見面時間會快D啦
同CISSY去完街,我又約左中學既老師Shell Lam同同學Kawing食飯喎.Shell Lam今日遲到丫,不過冇計啦,佢今朝零晨先係日本返黎,睇見佢都真係好累咁.好彩係我同Kawing一路行街一路等Shell Lam既時候,比我見到一部Hello Kitty既手推車喎,勁正丫!!佢可以坐到50磅既BB,又唔重..重要係Hello Kitty添^^即買..哈..哈..

Super tired today, it''s a super busy day for Chunchun and me. We came back to Hong Kong after pick Chunchun up fro m the nursery at noontime. Took around 1 hour ferry to Hong Kong, and then we go to BB expo with my friend - Cissy. BB expo, at first I thought that is a good place to go, i want to buy a new baby strolley for Chunchun, and hope that i can find some toys or books for Chunchun. However, i was so disappointed there, it''s so crowd there and the walkway are so narrow, but nothing special to buy. Poor Cissy help me take care Chunchun and walk around with me in the BB expo. After BB expo, we went to have tea and little talk, hum... it''s not enough time for us to talk, we have so many thing want to share.
After dating with Cissy, I have dinner with my high school teacher - Shell Lam and classmate - Kawing. Shell Lam was little late today since she just came back fro m Japan this morning, she looks so tired while our gather. While Kawing and me waiting for Shell Lam, we walked around and TST. I am so happy that I found the baby strolley I want, it can hold up to 50 lbs baby, it''s not heavy , and it''s Hello Kitty, super prefect!!

超累(super tired)_img_2


