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媽媽聚會(Mama Gathering)

媽媽聚會(Mama Gathering)_img_1


Another tired day, actually I don''t have much plan today, only have a mama gathering on 3pm with some mama I knew fro m net. However, I woke up little early today, and my grandma ask me to my formula for Chunchun. So finally we go to Chinese Restaurant near Jusco to have lunch. After lunch, we went to Jusco to shop around. Hum, Chunchun got a lot of new stuff, a pair of shoes, a cloth, Baby strolley bag, disposable, and six boxes of formula(buy six will get a free Mini Water Dispenser).
Around 3pm, Chunchun and me go to a children playground to meet my netfriends. Wow, Chunchun was so crazy there, he run and run and run there, try to play with every kids in the playground, no matter is his friends or not. And me? I was so busy running after him and try to talk to my net friends. We all mama with a baby around 20 months and sure we will compare about our babies, how tall and fat they are, what they know to do now. It''s too bad that Chunchun have a little cough today, make me have to leave earlier=_=

媽媽聚會(Mama Gathering)_img_2
