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Sigh, Chunchun got a fever this evening, actually he started cough the day before yesterday. At first I planned to take him to the doctor yesterday after nursery, however I thought that he was not cough so serious and I don’t want him to take too many medicines, so I decided observe one more day.
And today, he was fine in the morning, and we went to playground twice today. Until 5pm, Chunchun looks tired and so quite just sit on the sofa to watch VCD. Just have a thought that he may not feel well, so I measured his temperature. Hum, he got a little fever around 37.8℃=_= I should take him to the doctor yesterday, so that he will not got a fever tonight>_<
I let him took some medicines to cool down the fever before sleep, hoping that he will be fine tonight, and I will take him to the doctor tomorrow morning before nursery=_=