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又係出牙所以發燒(Fever cause by growing teeth)


又係出牙所以發燒(Fever cause by growing teeth)_img_1


After yesterday night’s medicine, Chunchun got a lot better this morning, at least no fever. So I took him to the nursery and planned to go to the doctor after nursery. However around 12 n, nursery called me and said that Chunchun got a fever again. I went to the nursery immediately, when I got there, Chunchun was playing with his teacher. I asked what’s wrong with Chunchun, his teacher said Chunchun was fine in the morning, and played outside in the playground; but he didn’t ate well at lunch (Chunchun usually eat very well in the nursery) so they measured his temperature and found out that he got a fever.
I took him to the doctor immediately, and the doctor said that Chunchun got a little cold=_= I told Kenny about it after we came back home, and Kenny said cold again? Is that Chunchun growing teeth again? Every times Chunchun have growing teeth will got a cold, so I checked his mouth and found that there really have 2 new 2nd Molar are coming out ^O^ I guess that why he got fever and why he always want to bite me recently.

又係出牙所以發燒(Fever cause by growing teeth)_img_2