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返左香港買野(Shopping in HK)

返左香港買野(Shopping in HK)_img_1

今日我地買左好多野丫..如果唔係累既話真係想行耐d,買多d丫…老公買左鞋丫,衫丫,漫畫,cd咁,我又買左衫仔,vcd同餐具比駿駿,我自已就有漫書同一d kitty野,其實我都想買衫,鞋果d架…不過冇時間比我買野=_=唯有等星期六同駿駿返香港做節時先再買啦^^

Hum, I was so happy today, because I went to Hong Kong shopping with Kenny. Actually the main reason for us to go to Hong Kong is Kenny needs to go to the Eye’s Doctor in Hong Kong; so we went to Hong Kong together and go shopping after seeing the doctor.
Ah, we bought a lot today, Kenny bought a pair of shoes, a few t-shirts, comic, cd, books, and bought some t-shirts, vcd, for Chunchun, and me bought some comics, books, magazine, and some Hello Kitty’s stuff^^ Sigh, I want to buy some clothing and shoes too, but no time for me to shop>_< I have to wait until this Saturday when Chunchun and me back to Hong Kong for Mid-Autumn dinner to shop again^^
While Kenny and me were shopping in Hong Kong, Chunchun was looked after by Grandma as usual day, go to nursery, supermarket, watch vcd, dinner and go to bed, he was such a good baby today.