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Sigh, yesterday night Chunchun was sleeping with his Grandma, however he woke up at 4am and keep calling “Mama, Mama”, don’t know is it because I went back to Hong Kong without him, or he having a nightmare. Anyways I got up around 4.05am, walked to my Mother’s room and took Chunchun back to my room to sleep with me, it’s took me around half hour to claim him down and back to sleep again.
Then is my turn to had a nightmare=_= I don’t know should I called that nightmare, but if what I dreamt was really, then it’s a nightmare. I dreamt that Chunchun was in high school already and waiting for the HKCEE result, he didn’t do good on it>_< I guess that kind of dream, will be a nightmare for every parents lived in Hong Kong, because HKCEE really gave so much pressure to students and parents. Why I dreamt about that? I don’t know, maybe because I was thinking which kindergarten Chunchun should go next year.
