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情緒化的駿駿(Emotional Chunchun)

情緒化的駿駿(Emotional Chunchun)_img_1


Recently Chunchun seems like very emotion, always cry and said no or keep calling Mama. I guess it’s because he didn’t feel well fro m his growing teeth and cough, sigh, poor Chunchun.
This evening, Chunchun got super emotion again=_= After I picked him up fro m the nursery, we back home immediately, because today is Friday Kenny will not back home to have dinner, I decided to took Chunchun out to the shopping area or New Yaohan after he finish his milk. When we ready to leave home, Chunchun climb onto his baby’s stroller, I thought that Chunchun sit on baby’s stroller don’t need me to carry him is not bad, so we took the baby’s stroller with us. Chunchun started to be emotional since we leave our building, I walked to right, and he said he want to go left. We were walking around and around, finally we passed by the playground and Chunchun asked me to let him down and play for a while. We really have nowhere to go, so I let him play it. Sigh, it’s a bad idea to let him got down the baby’s stroller=_= once he got down the baby’s stroller, he won’t want to sit again, don’t want to leave the playground, no walking, no baby’s stroller and carrying. After around half hour we finally can leave the playground.
Sigh, took him to a walk made me felt super tired=_= Is Chunchun get into stage “terrible two” now? Where is my lovely Chunchun? I want my good baby back>_<

情緒化的駿駿(Emotional Chunchun)_img_2