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新八佰伴的麥記(McDonald’s in New Yaohan)


新八佰伴的麥記(McDonald’s in New Yaohan)_img_1

唉..可憐駿駿..去之前重好開心咁係咪講”麥當勞”…點知去到又冇得食…我地只係走左上美食廣場度求其食咋…食完我地就係新八佰伴度行左一陣街,買左對新鞋仔比駿駿..唔..駿駿依家唔係bb囉..著唔到bb鞋,要買小朋友鞋…d bb鞋靚好多,可愛好多架嘛=_=駿駿真係大腳仔..

Today is Chunchun nursery’s holiday, so I decided to take him to New Yaohan to have McDonald’s for Lunch. We were really bad luck today=_= the McDonald’s in New Yaohan was closed today. Don’t know is that closed for the holiday or what? Anyways, it’s so wired that the McDonald’s in New Yaohan was closed, there been always busy, I guess it made a lot of business there, how come they closed it?
Sigh, poor Chunchun couldn’t have McDonald’s for lunch, we can only went to Food Court to have lunch. Hum, after lunch we shopped around in the New Yaohan and I bought a pair of shoes for Chunchun, Chunchun is not a baby anymore, he have to wear little kid’s shoes instead of baby’s shoes.

新八佰伴的麥記(McDonald’s in New Yaohan)_img_2