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哈..哈..駿駿頭先真係超可愛丫.當婆婆同佢講夠鐘訓覺既時候,駿駿就拉住婆婆入房重不停講 “早斗”添,好似要婆婆同佢訓咁.但係我就覺得駿駿唔會咁架啦…我就同公公講,駿駿應該會拉左婆婆上床之後就會自己一個走番出黎.哈,我一講完野,駿駿就由房跑番出廳叫我同佢玩囉.

Ha, ha, Chunchun was super cutie tonight^o^ When Grandma asked him to go to bed, he took Grandma to his room and seems like he want Grandma to sleep with him. Then I was talking with my father that Chunchun would leave Grandma in his bed and then run back to the living room, ha, right after what I said, Chunchun run back to the living and asked me to play with him….
Hum… went shopping with my mother today, it’s kind of boring because we don’t have stuff to buy, and there is nothing much to shop in Macau. Luckily, I bought 2 new comics for myself, 2 vcd for Kenny and 1 clothes for Chunchun. We didn’t spend a lot of time on shopping; we came back home around 3pm and took a rest before we go to pick up Chunchun.
Chunchun was quit happy that Grandma, Grandpa and me went to pick him up together; however Grandma and Grandpa will leave on tomorrow morning, tomorrow only Chunchun and me again, will he be upset about it? I do, because when Grandpa is here, I don’t have to do everything, don’t have to take care Chunchun, don’t have to take bath for Chunchun, don’t have to wash the dishes, don’t have to do most of the housework…haha, I got holiday whenever my parents came to visit Chunchun.
