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Hum, I was so lazy this morning>_< at first I planned to wake up with Chunchun and let my father go to new apartment to do the maintains in the morning. However Chunchun woke up so early this morning, around 7am, so I let Grandpa took care Chunchun until 9am…
After I woke up, I begin to take care Chunchun, play with him and give fruit for his morning snacks, and Grandpa started working around 10am. About 11.30am I took Chunchun to our new apartment to found Grandpa to had lunch together. Then Chunchun and me took a nap until 3pm something, and Grandpa came back right after Chunchun woke up. Sigh, he said that the paint shop was closed in the afternoon; he can’t paint the living room today. Hum, I told him before, I asked him to buy the paint yesterday, but he didn’t=-= and now we waste a day on doing nothing. It’s still early so we went to some other districts to see is there will have any paint shop still open.
