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Went to take a look of computer desk and book shell this afternoon with my father. Hum, actually we only went to one furniture store near the shopping area in Macau, because we didn’t know where most of the furniture stores located. I found a nice computer desk with book shell, it’s a really nice computer desk, I sent a picture to Kenny, and Kenny like it too; however it cost over HK$2000, it’s quit expensive=_=
Hoping that tomorrow Kenny will have time to go to somewhere have more furniture store to take a look and find something nice and cheap.
So funny today, when I go to pick up Chunchun, I saw two babies follow Chunchun ran all around the playground in the nursery. When Chunchun notice me was there and ran to me, those two babies following Chunchun too, and follow Chunchun to call me Mammy^^ I told then that I am not there Mammy, I am Chunchun’s Mammy and their Mammy will come and pick them up soon, but they still keep calling me Mammy, ha, I wonder are they really know what’s Mammy means? If Chunchun call other “Mammy” I will be quit unhappy=_=
