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07年第一個返學日丫(First Day of School in year 2007)


First day of school in year 2007, hum, have to wake up early everyday again>_< Took Chunchun to school around 8.30am, naughty Chunchun didn’t willing to get off from his car seat~_~ and pretend to be sleeping. Sigh, I have to carry him out of my car and yelled him to run into school this morning.
Back home to have breakfast with Grandma and Papa. After breakfast I have to continues clearing up Chunchun’s playground, and Grandma have to help me after she finished vacuum. We throw away a box and 2 bags of toys, hope Chunchun didn’t remember it, and because what we throw were something Chunchun didn’t play for long time, something old and not expensive.
Went to pick up Chunchun a little bit early today, because we have to go to food market before we pick up Chunchun. Back home before 4pm, and then I leave Chunchun and Grandma at home to do homework and study, Papa and I went out for a while, haha.