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婆婆返香港囉(Grandma back to Hong Kong)


Grandma back to Hong Kong in the early morning, and when I woke up to prepare milk and uniform for Chunchun; I hear Chunchun asking “Where is Grandma?” I went in Grandma’s room and told Chunchun that “Mama is here, Grandma leave already!” Sigh, and then Chunchun said “I am not calling for you, I am looking for Grandma!” And then he fall in sleep again~_~
Picked up Chunchun on 3.30pm, Chunchun seems to be very happy today, he got a Christmas card from his classroom (sigh, it’s January already, why give it out so late?) and he told me that he will have hot pot at school next week^^ Back home before 4pm and hurry made him change his uniform and having his milk. Started to do homework and study around 4pm, hum, we finished study around 5.30pm>_<