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澳門媽咪1月聚會(Macau Mama Jan Gathering)

今日畫班遲左丫,我地成11點半先走,所以返到屋企都差唔多中午囉,我即時準備煮午飯,而駿駿就去搞住爸爸啦…食完飯休息一陣,2點左右我地就一齊大覺訓囉.原本我叫左爸爸3點15分叫醒我架,點知爸爸2點幾時又走左上床一齊訓喎=_=好彩我3點半扎醒左…即時叫醒駿駿就去麥記聚會啦.我地去到時茄菲同敏敏己經到左啦,不過因為好多學生係度溫習,我地搵唔到位坐呢…好彩我地唔係等左好耐就有一張桌啦,再等下又有第二張…當我地都坐底晒時,Melina同Boo都黎到啦…之後Jessica, Jennifer, Gina同Toby佢地都黎到囉,最後因為我地人多,另外果2張桌既人都比我地迫走左呢..哈..哈…係人地好心讓我地可以一齊坐先岩.小朋友個個都好開心呢..因為又有得食..又有得玩嘛…但係今次既聚會勁短..只係一個鐘左右咋..到左5點左右,我地因為聽完Gina介紹既果汁糖…就一堆走去左去買野拉.
Gina佢地個個買完糖就返屋企囉…淨低我同Melina係度,因為駿駿同阿Boo話要拍拖,所以我地就係新馬路度行陣街街先啦…等駿駿同阿Boo拍陣拖到佢地願意講拜拜先走嘛^^可愛駿駿同阿Boo成日一拖手仔就話係去拍拖,勁可愛.當我問駿駿乜係拍拖時..佢諗左一陣就答我”咪手拖手去街街囉!”哈..哈..真係好鬼可愛. 可憐阿boo係我同駿駿就要返屋企時,突然係樓梯度跌倒…喊得好大聲丫..駿駿一直望住阿boo都好似好擔心咁…後來係我地返屋企既途中..駿駿都係咁講”阿boo好可憐丫..阿boo好痛丫”

Chunchun woke up around 8am this morning, sigh, I want to sleep more>_< Went to drawing class on 10am and today Chunchun wanted to draw a car… I wonder why recently Chunchun didn’t have any concentration on during drawing class… kept looking around, didn’t listen to his teacher… like day dreaming~_~ I was getting so mad when Chunchun arguing with his teacher using which color to draw a draft… I was quite emotional recently>_<
Chunchun been seeking for my help while he drawing by his own, but today, I just didn’t want to help him… and kept yelling at him to draw by himself and told him to be careful on what he’s drawing or coloring. Finally, the picture came out not bad, at least people can tell what’s Chunchun drawing. Chunchun wasn’t bad at drawing; he’s quite good I think but just a little bit lack of concentration. If he can be more concentration on everything, then I don’t have to yell at him all the time, I think we both will be very happy everyday.
Back home before noontime and then I have to hurry to cook for lunch. Nap with Chunchun after lunch around 2pm… and woke up on 3.30pm to McDonald’s for our Macau Mama Gathering^O^ Garfield and her family were first one arrived, we were so worry that we couldn’t found a seat since there were so many students studying there=_=; Finally we found 2 tables, and then 4 tables…haha, we were just so bad carrying baby and then stand next to those table seem to be will finish soon. Melina and Boo arrived just after we found 2 tables and then Jessica, Jennifer, Gina and Toby they all arrived too. Happy day for kids…eating McDonald and playing together. But out gathering ended around 5pm, because we all wanted to go to Watson to shopping around for a while^^
Gina, Toby and Jessica leave after shopping in Watson, since Chunchun and Boo kept saying they wanted a date… so Melina and I planed to walking around in the shopping area for a while until Chunchun and Boo wanted to say goodbye^^ Cutie Chunchun and Boo keep telling people that they want a date, want to go shopping together, and kept hands in hands all the time. When I asked Chunchun what’s dating, he just answered “Hands in hands to walk around!” Haha, what a cutie thought XD Poor Boo slipped while they walking up the stair… and she seem to be very hurt, crying so loud…Chunchun looks so worry about Boo too, he kept saying “Poor Boo” while we on the way back home…


