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豬豬坐墊(Pig Cushion)


Went to school early this morning for library, so happy that Chunchun didn’t mind we couldn’t borrow story books today^^ Since we were a little bit late this morning, when we arrived to library there were already a lot of kids reading book. And one girl was carrying Chunchun’s favorites pig cushion, cutie Chunchun walked to the girl immediately and asked “Can you give me the pig cushion?” Haha, wonder why he care about the pig cushion that much, too bad that the girl didn’t want to give the pig cushion to Chunchun. And after around 10 minutes, the girl get up to seek for other story book then Chunchun ran to the pig cushion immediately and carrying it to wait for the girl… when the girl came back to his seat, she just sit down and read her book then Chunchun carrying the pig cushion back to his seat with a evil smile on his face=_=; I was thinking if the girl asked for the pig cushion, will Chunchun give her back?