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Woke up early for library this morning, silly Chunchun asked me to return the book that we just borrow on Monday… because he wanted to borrow another one. But his library card was almost full, and I didn’t want to renew a new card…so I decided to let him borrow one a week is enough.
A teacher went in the library with a camera suddenly while all kids were reading books, and said that she have to take some photo of kids’ reading… I guess she have to decorate a board or prepare something for open day. It’s so weird, at first I thought that teacher may just simply take one or two photos of kids while they were all reading… however, they have to stop all kids reading, and just ask some as a model to read together=_=;
When I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, his teacher told me that Chunchun finally fall in sleep during the nap time^^ I was just thinking that maybe Chunchun wanted to quit napping by himself. Back home to do homework and study together, sigh…we spent over 2 hours on homework this afternoon>_< Actually Chunchun only have to write 2 pages of words… wonder why he just can’t be more careful while he’s writing,