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中醫(Chinese medicince Doctor)


Woke up around 9am this morning, let Chunchun watched his favorite cartoon and then we went to the shopping area around 10am something together; because I need to go to the Chinese doctor again. At first Papa wanted to take Chunchun to hair cut while we have to wait for my Chinese medicine, however the salon was super crowded this morning=_=; finally Papa and Chunchun didn’t do the hair cut and just walking around in the shopping area with me.
Since Papa said we didn’t have breakfast this morning, so we went to have an early lunch around 11am something. So happy that Chunchun didn’t request or yelling for McDonald’s today, we went to a famous noodles restaurant to have lunch^^ Sigh, I should never let Chunchun carry toy with him while we were out>_< He lost my little doll that I just bought yesterday…