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同爺爺飲茶(Lunch with Grandpa)


Went to drawing class with Papa this morning, sigh, I hate Papa that always late… I been asking him to wake up before 9am, but his didn’t willing to wake up until 9am something, and then we have to hurry to the drawing class just because of him=_=; Chunchun and I were getting ready for a long time. It’s not his first time to go to drawing class, he should knew that if we arrive late, then we will be the last one to starts drawing, and Chunchun didn’t have much patient to wait that long. Finally when Chunchun started drawing, it’s almost 11am, and surely he wasn’t concentrate on his drawing again.
We went to New Yaohan to look for some new clothes for Chunchun before we have lunch with Grandpa. Sigh, it’s so hard to find something nice for Chunchun, but we still bought a sweater and pants for him. Have lunch with Grandpa and 2 uncles’ families in a Chinese Restaurant around 1pm. It’s little bit late for Chunchun to have lunch, at first I thought that he should be eat well and eat a lot for lunch today, however, because of his little cousin Chunchun didn’t willing to eat at all=_= Chunchun just wanted to play with his little cousin…
Back home around 2.45pm and then Chunchun and I went to bed to nap together. Woke up around 5.30pm to wash my car… haha, we have a lot time didn’t wash my car, we always planned to wash my car on Saturday or Sunday, but then we always nap until 6pm something…
