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剪髮(Hair cut)


Went to library this morning with Chunchun, stupid me, I forget that we couldn’t borrow book today because Chiniese New Year is coming soon. Poor Chunchun didn’t have book to read this week. Leave school around 8.45am and then went to have breakfast with Papa. I went to the Chinese medicine doctor clinic after breakfast while Papa went to the hair salon to do hair cut. Hum, the Chinese clinic was so crowded this morning; I arrived around 9.30am and have to wait until 10am to see the doctor. And he seems to be a good doctor, he knew that I didn’t have enough sleep today, having a headache etc just by touching my hands…
Went to the hair salon to do hair cut with Papa afterward, haha, when I arrived to the hair salon, Papa was almost done, I can do my hair cut right after him; and while I doing my hair cut, Papa went to the food market to buy foods^^ Went to the Chinese clinic again to take my medicine after finished my hair cut. Hum, by the time we back home, it’s almost noontime already… busy morning =_=;
Picked up Chunchun on 3.30pm and then took him to hair salon to do hair cut too. Hum Chunchun seems to be very happy today; he got a big keroro sticker from his teacher, and kept telling me that he was a good boy. I was happy that he said he was a good boy in school too, however, when we back home… sigh, where is the good boy?
