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返澳門囉(Back to Macau)


Planned to back to Macau this afternoon, so we went to the pier around noontime, and have lunch there. Sigh, we thought that it’s already the end of Chinese New Year holiday, there shouldn’t be so crowded in the pier…but we forget, today is Saturday=_=; Papa went to buy ticket right after we found a restaurant and have a seat. At first Papa wanted to buy ticket for around 1.30pm, however, it’s all full, and he have to paid more for 2.30pm ticket…if not, we might have to wait in to pier until 3pm something. It’s too late for us, especially we didn’t have baby stroller with us.
Got on the ferry around 2.20pm, and then we all fall in sleep immediately, we all super tired this few days. And when we arrived to Macau pier, it’s super crowded either, finally we have to walk home again, because it’s super long line for taxi=_=